VoIP Internet Telephony
VoIP service
VOIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol, which is also referred to as IP telephone, and enables telephone conversations over the Internet. In fact, using VOIP technology, voice is sent by information systems and through the Internet.IP telephone features include the ability to move the phone line، free calls between the offices of business complexes, optimal use of bandwidth, providing video conferencing services,Voice Mail and video calls, sending short messages. At first, to start this service, you must have a broadband service, and depending on the type of service you are subscribed to, you will need some hardware such as a server and telephone device under the VoIP service, or it may not require any special device.
Equal costs in long distance and close communication; Many facilities with low costs; reporting capability; Reducing costs and increasing the quality of phone calls.
For information regarding the terms of the provision of this service, contact the organization's sales department at 1524, extension535 and 545 .
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